Sunday, August 10, 2014

Journal 13

           My first semester of college is finally over, and I think that I did pretty well in all of my classes. I struggled a bit in my zoology class when I got sick and had to miss a few classes, but I was able to catch back up in the class and get my grades back up. I was able to keep up with the pace of all the classes even though it was so different than high school. Hopefully next semester I can do the same because the classes I have next semester will be a lot more difficult. I also have to go to high school classes in addition to my college classes. I was able to do these classes without too much difficulty in the summer because I have a lot of free time, but during the fall I will be a lot more busy. It is a good thing that my classes during the fall aren't compressed like the ones in the summer, or it would be a lot harder for me to keep up with all of my classes.

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