Sunday, August 10, 2014

Journal 14

       Millions of animals every year are forced to be subjects in testing which leads to lots pain for results that may or may not be helpful. Animal testing is cruel and inhumane; however, sometimes it is needed for medical research and other tests that can help save lives. Animals are also tested with commercial products, so that people can profit from their product. Sometimes these tests will not be very reliable because some of the animals tested are very different from animals such as rats and mice. Now with our improved technology there are also better ways for us to test such as testing on human cells so that we get results that will apply to humans. Animals suffer when subjected to these tests and sometimes die for researches to gain some information. I think that animal testing should be a little more restricted and only be used when really needed. When there are things that have the chance to cure diseases and save lives then I think that it is okay to test. but if they are being tested on something like beauty products, I don't think that should be allowed. 

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