Monday, July 28, 2014

Literature Review

Sunday, July 27, 2014

Journal 10

I think that it is okay for the homeless man to advocate homelessness while being homeless. Even though he is taking up a bed that someone else can have because he wont get a job where he can buy his own, he is still helping the other homeless people. As a homeless person he visits the different shelters where he can stay and different places where homeless people are. He can see that things that they need and require, and he can share it with others to help fix these problems. People may thing that he is just not using his chance to the fullest to get a job and advocate what he believes in while working a job with a real pay, but he is advocating his opinions and helping the homeless better as a homeless person himself. He is able to live as one of them and see that problems around him and the other homeless people around him and work to fix those problems. If he got a job, he would not because to solve these problems that no one would notice except the homeless people who are being affected.

Journal 9

          I learned a lot that I didn't really know about simplifying today that I didn't know before. I didn't really know anything about the active and passive types of sentences. I didn't really know that you weren't really supposed to use "you" in your essays either because none of my teachers before never told me not to use "you" in my essays. After looking at my annotated bibliography, I noticed that I use passive voice a lot in my writing and I should probably start making it a habit to not use it. Even when I was trying to simplify some of the sentences in class I used passive voice. Once we talked about passive and active voice, I had to go back and change all of my sentences so that they were simplified in active voice. It is going to be a lot tougher not using any passive voice in my essay, but I will try to use active even if it makes me have to write addition information.

Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Advocate Classwork

I would be an advocate for having less required materials for a classroom. In some classrooms, the schools buy great electronics and different things that will help with teaching, but they require students to also buy these expensive materials for class. Parents and even sometimes teachers have to buy all these different items that the student requires to pass the class, and some of the parents cannot afford it. I would encourage students, faculty, and parents to speak up about this problem and make the schooling system change so that those who cannot afford all of theses different materials can go to class with only the minimum amount of things required for learning. If many people are able to speak up together instead of just a few people change can really happen.

Tweeting Classwork

Dr.Seuss Tweets:
Children in the zoo are better then kids at home with their minds full of poo.

He's always on facebook and never goes outside and takes a look.

He is always on his T.V and will never even see a tree or a bee

Thesis Classwork

Teachers and students have different views on online classrooms versus traditional classrooms concerning an online classrooms quality and potential to properly teach the students the information required.

Sunday, July 20, 2014

Journal 8

I agree with the article that I read in the book today about people not having meaningful posts and tweets. I think nowadays on Facebook and twitter. Everyone is just posting what they are doing, and no one cares about what they are doing. People will also post these amazing things that they are doing to try to show how cool and great they are. Posts and tweets should be something interesting that people can be interested in when they read. People are spending so much time in their day thinking about what would be a good thing to tweet on twitter or post on Facebook, but they end up posting something about what they're eating and no one really cares.

Journal 7

I think that after I learned how to write an essay in class, I will be able to do it well now. Before, I used to just think that I had to just write sentences and never really thought about transition sentences for my paragraphs and hooks at the beginning of my essays. Hopefully using the new things I learned in class today I can make my essay better. I hope I can find enough things to write about in my essay because I have really never written anything that was five or more pages; the longest things I have ever written is only about three pages. I should be able to get the paper done if I don't procrastinate like I do on all of my others assignments.

Sunday, July 13, 2014

Journal 6 - See all sides

Traditional classrooms and online classrooms both have a lot of different traits which change the learning experience.  People have researched and tested to see how the different learning environment changes your learning experience.  It most of the cases it was found that scores and test results at the end of the classes were almost identical and was therefore concluded that learning online and learning in a traditional classroom would give the same results. However, in other test it was found that although the scores may be the same in most classes, there are many factors which change it.
                In one of the tests, it tested to see if gender would change the results in the classes, and it did. It was found that females have more success in traditional classrooms whereas males have more success in online classrooms than the counterpart.  Many argue that traditional classrooms are much better because of the interactions that can happen. It is easier to ask for help and ask questions during class, and there can be discussions in class that would help develop an idea, but through testing the results showed that scores at the end of the class would be identical.

                Another study found that studying in a tradition classroom would cause more improvement, but the end result would still be the same. In almost all of the studies students were asked which type of class environment that they prefer, and the results differed depending on the class. For some classes students enjoyed being able to do things independently their way whereas in other classes they liked being in a traditional classroom where the teacher would guide them through the steps. 


Human pollution is beginning to completely destroy the oceans and all of the organisms who live in them. If humans keep this up, the oceans will die and lead to great catastrophes. The world would become very hot, polar ice caps would melt, people and animals will starve, and the worlds oxygen will slowly run out. By destroying the oceans without pollution, we will cause the death of almost all living things on the earth. If we can control this pollution to our oceans we can stray away from this future.

Public Displays of Connection

I have like 20 friends on games that I play online with my friends. I don’t really use any other social things online. I think I have pretty strong ties with those friends. I talk to them online, at school, and hand out with them outside of my computer and school.  I don’t really like social networking that much because I can’t really talk to them face to face. When I talk to them online it is kind of weird for me. I don’t really have any weak ties with my friends because if I know I won’t really talk to someone a lot, I will not make them friends online. The people in my group had lots of friends on social networking, but they didn’t have strong ties with a lot of them. They just add everyone that they know even if they don’t really have strong ties. 

Annotated Bibliography

Andrew Vuong
Professor Goff
English 1010
9 July 2014
Annotated Bibliography

Hale, LaDonna S., Emily A. Mirakian, and David B. Day.” Online vs. Classroom Instruction:    Student Satisfaction and Learning Outcomes in an Undergraduate Allied Health          Pharmacology Course.” Journal Of Allied Health 38.2 (2009): 36-42.
            Students in healthcare were tested to see if they would perform better in online classes or traditional classrooms. Students were given surveys after the class to see what they thought and how they felt after taking the class. Most of the students in both online and traditional classrooms were satisfied with their learning experience. Students in the classrooms scored higher than those online in sharing ideas, learning the ideas and principles, and learning from the professor; however, the exam scores were still very similar to each other. The surveys showed that the students taking the class online were less satisfied than those who took the class at school.

"Learning in Classrooms Versus Online." New York Times 26 July 2012: 24.
            Professors expressed their opinions on how online classes and traditional classes differ from each other. Few argued that traditional classrooms were better than online because of the interaction and motivation when you get in a real classroom. When you take your classes online you are just staring at a screen and don’t really become inspired to work hard and put your effort into the class. However, others think that if your online classes are like that then you are taking the wrong ones. They argue that in online classes their students join into discussions more frequently and can interact more with the teacher because they are not talking face to face and feel more comfortable online.

Porter, Andrea L., Michael E. Pitterle, and Mary S. Hayney. "Comparison Of Online Versus         Classroom Delivery Of An Immunization Elective Course." American Journal Of        Pharmaceutical Education 78.5 (2014): 1-9.
            Students who were signed up to take a class on Immunization were randomly assigned to classes that were either online or in a traditional classroom. All students had taken a blended class before which had used both online and traditional classrooms to cover the material. They were both given the exact same class material, and before they started the class, they were given a survey to see if they preferred online classes or class in a traditional classroom. After the class they were given a survey to see which type of class they preferred. The students said that they preferred blended classes, and the test results were very similar to each other which concluded that online classes are a good way to learn.

Reuter, Ron. "Online Versus In The Classroom: Student Success In A Hands-On Lab Class."       American Journal Of Distance Education 23.3 (2009): 151-162
            Students taking a science class with lab and field were tested to see if there were changes between scores and improvement depending on if they were on their computer or on the campus. At the end of the class it showed that the scores at the end of the semester were about the same for both classes, and both classes learned the material they needed to pass the class. The students were given a pre and post assessments to check the difference in improvement throughout the class. The online students showed better improvement and more success during their class online.

Scheetz, Nanci A., and Philip L. Gunter. "Online Versus Traditional Classroom Delivery Of A     Course In Manual Communication." Exceptional Children 71.1 (2004): 109-120.
Undergraduate students talking manual communication were randomly separated into two separate groups. One group was sent to take the class in a traditional classroom, and the second group was sent to take the class online. Both classes were taught by the same instructor and taught with the same material. At the end of the classes the scores of both classes were compared to each other to see which class made the greater scores. Once the scores were compared, the difference between the scores was barely noticeable which proved that learning online was just as good as in a traditional classroom.

Schimming, Laura M. "Measuring Medical Student Preference: A Comparison Of Classroom        Versus Online Instruction For Teaching PubMed." Journal Of The Medical Library           Association 96.3 (2008): 217-222.
            Four classes of students taking a class on PubMed training were surveyed about whether they liked the class and about the way they were taught. One of the classes was taught in a classroom whereas the other three were taught online by video tutorials. The average of the test results at the end of the online classes and tradition class were both the same, but the students who took the online class said they were more satisfied taking the class online before they had more independence and freedom.
Yang, Yan, et al. "College Student Effort Expenditure In Online Versus Face-To-Face Courses:   The Role Of Gender, Team Learning Orientation, And Sense Of Classroom Community."          Journal Of Advanced Academics 22.4 (2011): 619-638.
            Students were asked to participate in research to see the difference between the efforts and lessoned learned by students in between online classes and traditional class. In addition, they also tested the differences between the genders. They were tested on effort, interaction, interest, teamwork, responsibility, and connection. When the data was analyzed by the researchers it was shown that the traditional class rooms worked better for female students whereas online classes worked better for male students. It is hypothesized that this is because in traditional classrooms teachers are able to change the way they teach to help their students learn which greatly helps the females, and in online classes the teacher treats everyone the same and only teaches one way.

Journal 5

   I think that nowadays parents are not being strict enough on their children, and when they try to be strict the law interferes. Parents are letting children do whatever they want, and not teaching them about the consequences of these things. I don’t really think it is the parents’ fault, because it is very difficult to discipline them and teach them a real lesson. All the parents can do is send them too their room or give them time out. They can’t really be hit or yelled at. In schools, they are given everything they want and are never yelled at or receive any real punishment that will teach them a lesson. When the children grow up, they won’t be able to handle any of the consequences they get as adults. 

Sunday, July 6, 2014

Journal 4

I think that nowadays a lot of people have stopped reading a lot like me. Last year in high school only about a fourth of my class actually read the books they were assigned to read. I almost never read a book or anything longer than a few pages.  People only use their devices to read things on. However, I think that being able to do different kinds of things on computers will be able to help you in the future to get a job. It is not really a necessity to read those crazy difficult books to get a good job now. A lot of jobs now require you to be able to use a computer and the better you can use it the better job you can get. 


Books – None
Magazines – None
Newspapers - None
Sites – A lot
Email – some
Twitter – None
Online News – Some
Online Stuff – A lot

            The amount of reading is somewhat typical for me. I don’t really read many things on paper like books, magazines, or newspapers. The last time I really read a book was like three years ago. I do read a lot of different things online though like news, different websites, and game stuff.  When I start reading from print stuff, I get really bored and uninterested as soon as I see the pages. I think most of my reading habits are mostly online, and I never read any paper books, magazines, or newspapers. I just cant stand reading print materials. I think the way I am reading now I don’t really learn as much new things as I would if I read more difficult things. 

Journal 3

I think that people now a day are too dependent of technology and don’t really think about the things and people who are around them.  People are on their phones and their computers when people are right next to them. It is changing people, and they are becoming less able to talk regularly face to face.  Technology helps us every day and makes are lives easier, but I don’t think that we should abuse it like we are now, and we should put the phones and computers down every once in a while. Every once in a while we have to go outside and interact with others instead of staring at a screen all day.