Sunday, July 13, 2014

Journal 6 - See all sides

Traditional classrooms and online classrooms both have a lot of different traits which change the learning experience.  People have researched and tested to see how the different learning environment changes your learning experience.  It most of the cases it was found that scores and test results at the end of the classes were almost identical and was therefore concluded that learning online and learning in a traditional classroom would give the same results. However, in other test it was found that although the scores may be the same in most classes, there are many factors which change it.
                In one of the tests, it tested to see if gender would change the results in the classes, and it did. It was found that females have more success in traditional classrooms whereas males have more success in online classrooms than the counterpart.  Many argue that traditional classrooms are much better because of the interactions that can happen. It is easier to ask for help and ask questions during class, and there can be discussions in class that would help develop an idea, but through testing the results showed that scores at the end of the class would be identical.

                Another study found that studying in a tradition classroom would cause more improvement, but the end result would still be the same. In almost all of the studies students were asked which type of class environment that they prefer, and the results differed depending on the class. For some classes students enjoyed being able to do things independently their way whereas in other classes they liked being in a traditional classroom where the teacher would guide them through the steps. 

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